About Us

Back in 2005, when I began selling online, I realized it was incredibly difficult for small sellers to obtain authentic, famous brand merchandise without wasting time and energy driving from store-to-store to shop clearance racks in hopes of finding something to resell.  I knew that every minute spent driving, browsing and waiting in line to pay was one less minute spent listing and shipping.  Meanwhile, trying to order directly through famous brands seemed impossible due to the minimum order requirements, needing to have a business license, a Tax ID number and a warehouse.  These requirements just weren't realistic for eBay sellers. 

I quickly discovered I can fill a niche; I can build a business that sells exactly what I, a little guy, was seeking so sellers in my same situation can affordably invest in small quantities of awesome inventory without the dreaded time-drain of clearance rack hopping.  Everything I disliked about the industry I would change; instead of forcing small sellers to intake pants just to buy shirts, I would sort the merchandise and offer the opportunity to only buy shirts.  I would make clear to my buyers exactly what they were purchasing so there were no surprises when it arrived - and I accomplished this by recording a video of every single Lot showing the exact items for sale.  I would not make people wait for multiple days to receive a response from customer service; customer service would be provided instantaneously, not only during business hours, but with extended hours, allowing customers to reach a real person, 365 days per year.  Form letter responses would never be sent, an reply would be typed from scratch and we would never force people to submit a ticket or wait on hold for a half hour.  - That is the story of BigBrandWholesale.com, now let me tell you about BigBrandWholesalePALLETS.com

Throughout 20 years in business, our customers have requested the ability to purchase full pallets but we didn’t have the space or the manpower to run two similar, yet different, businesses.  In 2023, our oldest son (who literally grew up in the industry) graduated and began working full time, which allowed everything to come together.  In August of 2024, our family officially opened BigBrandWholesalePALLETS.com to meet our customers needs.  Now, if you are looking for smaller quantity, processed listings, you can order through BigBrandWholesale.com and if you need full pallets, you are in the right place, BigBrandWholesalePALLETS.com.  We look forward to being your new, favorite supplier!

 - Tori Thompson, the Thompson Family & Staff
